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what to do if someone touches your elekes


What ⁣Are ⁣Elekes?

Elekes are beaded necklaces that are ‍an⁢ essential part‌ of Santeria and other‌ African diaspora religions. ‍Each eleke⁤ is consecrated to a‌ specific Orisha, such as Ochun, Yemaya, or Chango, and is believed to protect the wearer and bring them closer to the ​Orisha’s energy. These necklaces are‍ typically given to individuals during⁣ their initiation into the religion or as part of a⁤ special ceremony.

What to Do If Someone Touches Your Elekes Without Permission:

1. Stay Calm: If someone touches your elekes‍ without permission, it can be a jarring experience. However, it’s ⁤essential ​to ⁣stay calm and composed to handle the⁣ situation​ effectively.

2. Politely Inform Them: Politely inform the person ‍that touching your ‍elekes without permission is disrespectful ‍and ⁣goes against your beliefs. ‍Educate them on the significance of the elekes and ‌why it’s important to respect ⁢them.

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3. Set Boundaries: Clearly establish ⁣boundaries ‍and ‍let the ⁣person know that they‌ should never touch your elekes without⁣ permission in the⁢ future. Respect for⁤ one’s beliefs and personal belongings is crucial ​in any situation.

4. Cleanse Your Elekes: If you feel that the energy of your elekes⁢ has been disturbed​ by someone⁢ touching ⁢them without permission, you may choose to cleanse them. This⁣ can be done by ‍using ⁢smoke from sacred herbs such as sage or palo santo.

5. Seek ‌Guidance: If ⁤you feel unsure about how to handle the situation or if the person’s actions have caused you distress, seek ⁤guidance from a spiritual elder ‍or practitioner. They can⁣ provide advice on how to ⁣proceed⁢ and offer support during this time.


In conclusion, wearing elekes is a sacred ⁢practice for many individuals who follow African diaspora⁢ religions. If someone ⁣touches your elekes without‌ permission, it’s essential to handle the situation⁣ with grace and respect. By staying calm, ​setting boundaries, educating others on the significance​ of elekes, and seeking guidance if ‍needed, you can navigate this experience and maintain the sanctity of​ your spiritual practice. Remember that your beliefs and⁣ personal boundaries⁤ deserve to be respected, and don’t hesitate to ⁣assert yourself in such situations.

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