Category: maintenance

  • what to do if auger gets stuck

    Reasons‍ Why⁣ Augers Get Stuck Before we dive into ⁤solutions, it’s important to understand why ‍augers can get stuck in the first place. Some common reasons include hitting​ large rocks, encountering tree⁤ roots, or experiencing a mechanical malfunction. By identifying the⁣ root cause of⁤ the issue, you‌ can better determine how to⁤ approach‌ freeing your…

  • what to do if you have termites in your apartment

    Discovering that you have termites in your apartment can be a nightmare scenario for any renter or homeowner. These tiny pests can cause extensive damage to your property if left unchecked, making it crucial to take action as soon as possible. In this article, we will explore the steps you should take if you suspect…

  • what to do if well pump freezes

    When the temperature drops⁣ below freezing, the risk⁤ of your ⁣well​ pump freezing increases. ⁤A ​frozen well pump ​can lead to water supply⁤ issues, potential damage to the pump, and inconvenience for you and your ⁣household. In⁢ this article, we ⁢will ‍discuss what to do if your well pump freezes, providing you with practical​ tips…

  • what to do if cyanuric acid is low in pool

    One important chemical to monitor is cyanuric acid, also ‌known as stabilizer or conditioner, which⁢ helps protect chlorine from being broken down by the sun’s⁤ UV ⁣rays. If you‍ find that your‍ pool’s ⁢cyanuric acid ⁢levels are low, it’s crucial to take ⁢action‍ to prevent algae growth ‍and keep your pool water balanced. In this…