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A “highdea” is a creative or unconventional thought or idea that occurs to someone while under the influence of marijuana or other mind-altering substances.

How It’s Used

Millennials often use the term “highdea” in casual conversations, social media posts, or online forums to describe sudden bursts of inspiration or unusual concepts that come to mind during or after consuming cannabis. It’s typically used in a lighthearted or humorous context, often to share amusing or seemingly profound thoughts that may seem less impressive or logical when sober.

Used in a Sentence

“Last night, I had this funny highdea about building a website where a man-made AI analyzes humanity from an extraterrestrial’s perspective – it sounded revolutionary in the moment, but now I’m left wondering about its real impact.”


The term “highdea” is a portmanteau of “high” (referring to the state of being intoxicated by marijuana) and “idea.” It likely originated in the early 2000s within cannabis culture and gained popularity among millennials through online communities and social media platforms.

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Sociological Analysis

From a sociological perspective, the concept of “highdea” reflects several aspects of millennial culture and society:

  1. Drug normalization: The term’s widespread use indicates a shift in attitudes towards marijuana use, particularly among younger generations. This reflects changing social norms and the increasing acceptance of cannabis in many parts of society.
  2. Generational language: “Highdea” is an example of generational slang, demonstrating how millennials create and adopt new terminology to express shared experiences and cultural phenomena.
  3. Digital culture: The popularity of the term on social media platforms highlights the role of technology in shaping and spreading language and cultural concepts among millennials.
  4. Creativity and innovation: The concept of a “highdea” suggests a value placed on unconventional thinking and creativity, even if it stems from altered states of consciousness.
  5. Work-life balance: The lighthearted nature of “highdeas” may reflect millennials’ desire for work-life balance and the importance of leisure time in their lives.
  6. Counterculture: The term’s association with cannabis use can be seen as a form of resistance against traditional societal norms and expectations.
  7. Social bonding: Sharing “highdeas”” can serve as a form of social bonding among peers, creating a sense of community and shared experience.
  8. Coping mechanism: The concept may also represent a way for millennials to cope with stress or anxiety by finding humor in altered thought processes.
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By examining the use and implications of terms like “highdea,” sociologists can gain insights into the values, behaviors, and social dynamics of millennial culture and its relationship with broader societal trends.

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